
The Seal Cove Auto Museum is always looking for new volunteers to join our fun team, and we have a variety of opportunities available to those interested. If you have time that you would like to donate to the museum, please let us know. Below are examples of opportunities available at the Museum.

Auto Ambassadors (Gallery Hosts)
Volunteers in this position walk through the museum and speak with visitors. – A Gallery Host does not need to know technical facts about the automobiles; a familiarity with the exhibit and some information about the history of the collection are enough to answer most visitor questions. A Gallery Host must have a pleasant personality and enjoy speaking with people.

Monday Mechanics / Tuesday Technicians: (Automobile Maintenance)
Under the direction of the Museum’s mechanic, the technicians work on the mechanical restoration of the Museum’s automobiles. Volunteers are also needed to dust the exhibit cars and keep air in the tires. Maintenance of the automobiles is a very important part of the museum’s quality and appearance.

Programs and Events
Lectures, Car Club Visits, Demonstration Days, and Kids’ Day are all examples of times when volunteers can help the museum in so many different ways. The social side of the Museum always needs extra help during programs and events setting up and taking down tables and chairs, meeting and greeting, parking cars, baking or making appetizers for events, pouring drinks, and serving treats.

Research and Archives
The Seal Cove Auto Museum receives requests from many people who want information about the museum, and, of course, the automobiles. The Museum is in the beginning stages of growing its archives. Research is also conducted for its many changing exhibits.