Manufacturer: Ford Motor Company (Detroit, Michigan, 1903 - present)
Model: N
Bodystyle: Runabout (2-passenger)
Horsepower: 15
Wheelbase: 84
Provenance: This completely restored 1906 Model N Ford has won AACA 1st Junior, 1st Senior, and the Henry Ford Award. VIN #1561, it was the first car ever brought to the Town of Rye, New Hampshire. On kind loan from the Patrick family in memory of Mr. Patrick.
Additional info: The $500 Model N with its front-mounted 4-cylinder engine developing over 15 hp was capable of 45 mph. Its styling, highlighted by such features as twin nickel-plated front lamps and a boat-tail rear deck, along with a reputation for reliability represented a solid step forward by Henry Ford in his quest for a low-priced car for the mass market.