by Roberto Rodriguez | Sep 15, 2019 | Learn
“Ground floor: Perfumery, stationery, and leather goods, wigs and haberdashery, kitchenware, food and Searchmonts. Going up… ” So might have said the elevator operator at Wanemaker’s Department Store in 1904. Following the bankruptcy of the...
by Roberto Rodriguez | Jul 23, 2019 | Learn
What would you do if you had just taken over control of a debt-ridden company with a pile of unsold spare parts? If you were Charles Herman Metz, you would have come up with a plan – because not only did you possess a fine technical mind, you were also...
by Roberto Rodriguez | Jul 8, 2019 | Learn
Let me take you back to the very beginning of the old car hobby – back to 1939 to be exact – and an article that appeared on September 8 of that year. The headline read, “Vintage Cars Will Undergo Various Tests,” and the article went on to say, “Motordom’s...